The Meyers Pool Project is important to Pools For Kids for numerous reasons. It is ostensibly the best public pool in the state of Colorado for diving. In a state where there is already a shortage of 'water time' across numerous sports (swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized swimming, underwater hockey) for multiple skill and age levels (elite, high school, competitive, recreation, lessons) this facility has been an integral part of the metro Denver community for over forty years. The value that this venue has provided, from toddlers learning how to be water safe, to elders remaining active as a part of healthy living, and everything in between, is invaluable. To risk losing a community center that offers priceless value across ages and sports would be a huge loss for the metro area.
Pools For Kids has offered support for over a decade to multiple aquatic-based sport facilities including the Meyers Pool. Pools for Kids is in the middle of a capital campaign to support the Meyers Pool Reconstruction Project. Although Pools For Kids has supported many endeavors at pools across the Denver Metro Area, this one is particularly important to us because of the impact on the local diving community. As you might not know, Denver does not have a platform for diving and kids this summer will be driving to a high school in Laramie, Wyoming, and flying to Arizona and California in order to have access to one.
The Meyers Pool rebuild will include three 1 meter springboards, three 3 meter springboards, a 3 meter platform, and a 5 meter platform. This rebuild will have a tremendous community impact as swimmers, divers, water polo players, and athletes from many other sports currently drive many many miles to use this facility. Pools For Kids has been approached before to support much larger projects, but these were simply not feasible due to both the large capital costs (multi million dollar) and the exorbitant facility maintenance.
This project is different because it is not only has a reasonable capital campaign of less than $500,000 for the diving platforms, but also because this is a rebuild, upon completion, the facility will immediately be fully utilized by the local community.
Below is an example of the upgrades previously funded by Pools for Kids at the Meyers Pool, including the installation of an additional 1 meter and 3 meter diving board.

"I’ve always loved the water and I love tricks, and with diving I do tricks in the water, it’s the most fun! My teammates also make everything so much better even when you’re nervous- they are the best, always there for you."
-Kam, Diver

"Platform’s the reason I kept challenging myself in diving as I found the height scary but exciting. I learned a lot of control over my mind and body which translates into important life skills I know today!"
-Abbie, NCAA Conference platform Champion

"This will be a priceless addition for the Meyers Pool and for the communities in the Denver area. The 3 meter and 5 meter installments bring a whole different aspect of diving that not a lot of kids have ever experienced before. This will be a game changer for current divers and future divers to come"
-Troy, Coach